Chrome OS Flex issues during installation


Issues installing Chrome OS Flex.


After creating my USB installer and inserting the USB into my certified device to begin the installation of Chrome OS Flex, it fails producing one of the following:

  • Device boots to a blank screen
  • No OS found error message
  • If installing on a Mac device it boots to a blank screen


  1. Format and rebuild your USB installer. Follow this article for steps on how to format and create your USB installer. 
  2. In the BIOS make sure your Boot mode is set to UEFI. Follow this article for steps on how to check if your device is set to UEFI. 
  3. Test your USB installer on a different device to see if you are able to successfully install
  4. In the BIOS make sure the correct device hard drive is being used for installation

Specifically for Mac devices:

  1. Manually set default boot option
  2. Clear logic board RAM
Follow this article with steps on how to manually set a default boot option or clear logic board RAM.


When Chrome OS Flex fails to install, you'll usually see an error message, and you can send logs to support. Here are some causes for installation issues:

  1. Unsupported device
  2. Corrupted USB
  3. USB port issue
Additional steps and information on installation failures can be found in this article.