検索結果: workspace how to assign a super admin role Make a user an admin - Domain verifiedヘルプ記事 - Google Workspace 管理者If you're a super administrator for a domain-verified Google Workspace account, you can make someone else in your organization an administrator to help you ... Prebuilt administrator rolesヘルプ記事 - Google Workspace 管理者After you assign the super admin role to a user, it can take up to 24 hours ... You can assign the Reseller Admin role to a Google Workspace authorized reseller ... About administrator rolesヘルプ記事 - Google Workspace 管理者You can make a user a super administrator who can perform all tasks in the Admin console. Or you can assign a role that limits which tasks the administrator ... Assign specific admin rolesヘルプ記事 - Google Workspace 管理者Google Workspace Admin Help · Sign in. Send feedback on... This help ... You can assign any role except Super Admin or Reseller Admin. The group must ... Administrator privilege definitionsヘルプ記事 - Google Workspace 管理者When you assign an admin role to a user in the Google Admin console, you grant them administrator privileges and access to the Admin console.もっと見る