How to bypass the spam filter for incoming emails


How can you bypass the spam filter with an approved sender list in the spam settings.


  • Admin console
  • Spam Classification
  • Gmail
  • Spam settings


  1. Sign in to the Admin console.
  2. Go to Menu > Apps Google Workspace Gmail Spam, phishing, and malware.
  3. Click on Configure or Add another rule on the right side.
  4. Enter a name for the rule on the top of the window below Spam.
  5. Click on Create or edit list under skip the section for Options.
  6. Under Option to bypass filters and warning banners click on Add address list > enter a name for the list > Add Address > enter the email address or domain you'd like to safelist, and make sure that Authentication required (received mail only) is turned off.
  7. Click on Save and go to the tab where the rule is being created.
  8. Click on Use existing list > choose the list you created > Save.
Note: Changes made in the Admin console may take up to 24 hours to propagate and become effective.