How to change a secondary domain to domain alias


How can you change a secondary domain to domain alias?


  • Admin console


  1. Go to the Admin console.
  2. Delete any groups associated with this domain.
  3. Remove any user aliases associated with this domain.
  4. Rename any users associated with this domain.
Remove the domain:
  1. Go to the Admin console and click on Manage domains under Domains.
  2. Scroll to the domain you're removing, and click Remove.
Add the domain as a Domain alias:
  1. Click Add a domain.
  2. Type the domain and select User alias domain option.
  3. Click Add domain and start verification.
  4. Follow the on-screen steps to complete the verification. 
Note: Usually, you can reuse a domain's name in your current Google Workspace account within 30 minutes of removing it. However, if the domain had many users, you might need to wait up to 24 hours.