How to enable Chrome browser notifications


Unable to display browser based notifications, for example Google Calendar notifications.


  • Chrome browser, PC versions.


  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More > Settings.
  3. ​At the bottom of the page, click Advanced.
  4. Click Privacy and security > Site Settings > Notifications.
  5. Select the option you want as your default setting.
    • Block a site:
      • Next to “Not allowed to send notifications,” click Add.
      • Enter the site's web address.
      • Click Add.
    • Allow a site:
      • Next to “Allowed to send notifications,” click Add.
      • Enter the site's web address.
      • Click Add.
    • Allow quieter notification prompts (blocks notification prompts from interrupting you):
      • Allow sites to ask to send notifications.
      • Click Use quieter messaging (blocks notification prompts from interrupting you). You won't get notifications after you ignore multiple notifications from a site, or if other users typically don't allow notifications from a site.
  6. Important: If you allowed notifications for a site that Chrome marked as abusive or misleading, Chrome may block those notifications and require the site to request your permission to send a push notification. You can change the setting to allow notifications.
If you want to receive notifications from a site but aren’t getting them:
  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. Go to the site you want to get notifications from.
  3. Select View site information.
  4. Next to Notifications, select Allow from the drop-down menu.


Chrome browser settings do not allow notification, however an application is expected to send them.