How to managed networks for users and devices


You want to set up manage networks (by user and/or by device) and enforce policies.


  • Managed and unmanaged devices:
    • Chrome OS
    • Android
    • iOS
    • Google meet hardware 


  1. Log in to the Admin console.
  2. Navigate to MenuDevices > Networks.
  3. Select the organizational unit that the network is configured for.
  4. Select the type of network configuration you want to change.
    • To edit an existing configuration, click the network, make your changes, and click Save.
    • To remove a network configuration from an organizational unit, click Remove to the right of the network.
      • This option is available only if the configuration was added directly to the organizational unit.
    • To remove a network configuration that a child organizational unit inherited from the parent organizational unit, select the child organizational unit, open the configuration for editing, and uncheck all the platforms. The configuration still appears in the list, but it isn't applied to any devices in the child organizational unit.
  5. Click Save Changes.