How to migrate a Google Workspace Chrome Profile


You are unable to Migrate a Chrome Profile into another Google Workspace account using the Admin Console.


  • Chrome Browser


You must migrate the chrome profile manually by exporting and importing the data as described below:

Export from the source username
  1. Get your bookmarks, passwords.
  2. In Chrome, go to More > Bookmarks > Bookmark Manager or:
    • Press Ctrl + Shift + O (PC)
    • Cmd + Option + B (Mac)
    • Open chrome://bookmarks/
  3. Select the Organize button at the top-right of the Bookmark Manager screen. 
  4. Select the Export bookmarks option.
  5. Specify a destination to save the bookmarks. If you want, you can replace the default name of the output file with something other than bookmarks_month_date_year.
  6. Select Save.
  7. To export the password open chrome://password-manager/settings
  8. Click Download file.
Import bookmarks 
  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Go to More > Bookmarks > Bookmark Manager or:
    • Press Ctrl + Shift + O (PC)
    • Cmd + Option + B (Mac)
    • Open chrome://bookmarks/
  3. Select the Organize button at the top-right of the Bookmark Manager screen. 
  4. Select the Import bookmarks option.
  5. Specify the file saved previously.
  6. Open chrome://password-manager/settings
  7. Click Select file in the Import passwords.


The feature to migrate Chrome Profile using the Admin Console is not available