Unable to access your account with error message


You are unable to access to services such as Gmail, Drive, Calendar, and get the following error message: Unable to access your account, you do not have a license to access. 


  1. Check that the user has the correct license assigned. 
  2. Also test from another device, if it is not reproducible and the behavior or error message is only happening with one device.  
  3. After checking that this behavior is only happening with one device only, you try of the following alternatives:
  • Reset the device settings. 
  • Clean cookies and cache. 
  • Check if the device does not have a secondary account linked. 
  • Check if user is in an OU where these services are enabled in core services
  • It may be caused by stuck policy/settings at the server side, so moving users between OUs may workaround the issue.
  • If none is helping, create a consult with affected and unaffected usernames, HAR file when accessing resources and debug logs.