Unable to set up a "Send mail as" address


While trying to set up a Send mail as address you get the error:
Functionality not enabled. 
You must send through gmail.com SMTP servers when you send as YourEMAIL@google.com. However, this functionality is not available for your account. Please contact your domain administrator for more information.


  • Gmail
  • Send mail as


By default, outbound gateway use is disabled. The Google Workspace mail servers deliver all outgoing mail, including mail that uses alternate From addresses.

  1. Log in to the Admin console.
  2. Navigate to Menu > Apps > Google Workspace > Gmail > End User Access.
  3. In the Allow per-user outbound gateways section, select Allow users to send mail through an external SMTP server when configuring a From address hosted outside your email domains.
    • When this check box is selected, users who associate additional email addresses with their accounts can enter connection information for an alternate SMTP server. Learn more about the required steps for the user.
    • When the check box is not selected, users cannot specify an SMTP server for the additional address.
  4. At the bottom, click Save.



Users were not allowed to use their individual outbound gateways.